Sunday, December 12, 2010
2. My near five purpose is:
- active labour. This way as before develop from knowledge and intelligent
- Also I make beneficence to many people
- Right to spend from free-time
- Read communication related of lesson
- Honest to apply own purpose
3. A well know fact. Me need own deman and to apply from the bottom of one's heart to anything. Also I need have got enduring. And I need toil all time, trust by oneself. Lastly I need assemble to work environment.
4. I like to be attend outside the lesson activity. Because I take example from many people. Also I take energy of my life, to be added my friends. I was to inform own secretly endownment. Lastly I was self-confident.
5. I was take memorable photos. 'I can do it' I said me. Also I listen to enlogy from my family and friends.
6. Write own plan. I begin to implement from first plan. I can defeat any difficulty. Because i have got very patient.
7. ' I wish to enroll in this school ' I said. I like to work by own qualification.
8. This qualification was very interesting. For this reason i investigated about of this school. Next I was enroll in this school.
9. In my work important issue is become a very hardworking. I can it.
10. My career is telecommunication engineer. Almost we fix the broken cable. But women’s often do operator. In my opinion I want be header engineer. So I need I can any thing.
11. it is most important issue. I demand to interactive with all user. Because I should know for request of subscribers.
12. Yes. I always try to view everything on practice. So I went to ATS many times. The engineer’s are very friendly and kind people. Whenever they ready for help us. I saw optic fiber, mufti, and equipment at here.
2. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
3. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
4. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular activities?
5. How do you determine or evaluate success?
6. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
7. What makes a job enjoyable for you?
8. Why did you decide to seek a position with this communication organization?
9. What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
10. What do you know about the job?
11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
Definition of ______________ Teacher on student Battsetseg
Battsetseg is student who enrolled our university in 2008 and has been majoring in telecommunication engineer at IICT.
She mastered learning method studying independently and initialing social activities since she has enrolled our university she can be one of the good students. I was teaching her class for tree years it was known that she is very helpful, friendly and very nice smiling for everything. Also she can plays basketball, volleyball, and table tennis very well.
I hope become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia.
G.Bayarmaa teacher of IICT
E-mail address :
my reading method
2. I see the title
3. Skimming the text
4. I see the how mach paragraphs
5. I read this paragraphs
6. I strive to know the cause
7. I more than more the text
8. I translate new words
9. I write the new words
10. I read the text again
11. I strive to know the key note
12. I read the text again
13. I strive to know the paragraphs key note
14. I read the text
15. I understand this text
Monday, December 6, 2010
Name: Khulan Erdenechimeg
Address: P.O BOX 289
Ulaanbaatar 210646
Cellphone: 96203311
Date of birth: 10 October 1992
Nationality: Mongolia
Citizenship: Ulaanbaatar
Gender: Female
Marital status: single
21st High School, graduated in 2008, UB , Mongolia
University: school of Information and Telecommunication, MUST
May 2008-June 2012 telecommunication engineer
July 2009-August 2010 practicing in Mobicom. UB
Other skills:
I am literate and can use all different types of Microsoft Office programs.(such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe, Corel, Photoshop, etc) I speak English fluently and I have a general knowledge of Korean.
Interests: Translation /translate about new technologies to mongolia/
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Бүртгүүлж байгаа ажлын байрны нэр:
FIRST NAME : Khulan Цээж зураг, 3X4
SURNAME : Erdenechimeg
Эр Эм
1.General information (Ерөнхий мэдээлэл):
Төрсөн он сар өдөр
| 1992/10/10
| Place of birth Төрсөн газар
| UB city |
Registration No. Рег. дугаар
| УК92101063
| Social insurance НДД-ийн дугаар
| 00284534 |
ID card No. Иргэний үнэмлэхний №
| 80677770
| Medical insurance ЭМД-ийн №
| 145 |
Driving License No.
| Category Жолоодох эрхийн ангилал
2. Previous Employment (start with the most recent) (Ажлын туршлага, одоо ажиллаж байгаагаасаа эхэлнэ үү)
Period of Employment Ажилласан хугацаа, эхэлсэн, дууссан он сар өдөр
| Reason for leaving Ажлаас гарсан шалтгаан
| Position Held Албан тушаалын нэр
| Name of Organization and contact number. Албан байгууллагын нэр, утасны №
2009-2010 | Дадлага хийсэн | оператор | Mobicom |
3. Education and Training Courses (Боловсрол, Мэргэжлийн бэлтгэл):
Date of Completion Төгссөн он сар өдөр
| Specialization Эзэмшсэн мэргэжил
| Institution Хаана ямар сургууль
| Diploma and Certificate No Диплом, Сертификатын №
2012-5-30 | telecommunication | Мхтс , UB | 678967 |
4. Contact details (Холбогдох хаяг):
Home address Гэрийн хаяг | Баянзүрх Дүүрэг 14 хороо 72-4 |
Home tel. No. Гэрийн утасны № | |
Mobile phones No. Гар утасны № | 96203311 |
Post office address Шуудангийн хаяг | 29 |
E-mail address Электрон шуудангийн хаяг | |
5. Languages (Гадаад хэлний мэдлэг)
Language Skill | Speaking (Ярих чадвар) | Listening (Сонсоод ойлгох) | Reading (Уншаад ойлгох) | Writing (Бичих чадвар) |
English | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Russian | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Key = 1-Unacceptable 2-Below average 3-Average 4-Above average 5-Excellent
6. Other (Бусад):
Computer Skills Компьютер ашиглах чадвар Ажилладаг программууд | ,Unix, lunix, C++, Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Macromedia, Movie Maker, Adobe |
Hobbies Хобби | Ном унших |
Sports Спортын ямар төрлөөр хичээллэдэг | сагс, волейбол |
7. Emergency (Гэнэтийн тохиолдол):
Contact details of two persons in case of emergency:
Яаралтай тохиолдолд холбоо барих 2 хүний гэрийн хаяг, утасны №
Name /Овог нэр/ :Л. Эрдэнэчимэг
Address /Гэрийн хаяг/ :БЗД
Tel /Утасны №/ :98883354
Relationship /Таны юу болох/: эцэг
Name /Овог нэр/ :Б.Болормаа
Address /Гэрийн хаяг/:БЗД
Tel /Утасны №/:99050759
Relationship /Таны юу болох/: эх
Ажилд бүртгүүлэхийг хүсэгчид дараах бичиг баримтыг заавал хавсаргасан байна:
v Curriculum Vitae /Товч намтар/
v Cover letter /Өргөдөл/
v A copy of all Diplomas and Certificates /Мэргэжлийн диплом, сертификатын хуулбар/
v A copy of ID card and Driving License /Иргэний болон Жолооны үнэмлэхний хуулбар/
v A copy of Social and Health Insurance Book /Нийгмийн болон ЭМД-ын дэвтэрийн хуулбар/
v Reference or Recommendation Letters /Өмнө нь ажиллаж байсан албан байгууллагын тодорхойлолтууд/
v Reference letter for permanent place of domicile from governor /Оршин суугаа газрын тодорхойлолт/
v Photo (1 copy) /3Х4 хэмжээтэй 1% цээж зураг/
By signing this form I declare that all the information I have provided herein is true and correct in ever aspect, knowing that if any matter is found to be not true that it will jeopardize my chances of obtaining employment with “Oyu Tolgoi” LLC or if found not true after being employed I will be subject to summary dismissal.
Миний өгсөн мэдээлэл бүр үнэн зөв бөгөөд ямар нэгэн зүйл буруу буюу худал байсны улмаас учирсан хохирлыг бүрэн хариуцах ба хэрэв шаардлагатай бол энэ нь тус компанитай байгуулсан хөдөлмөрийн гэрээг цуцлах үндэслэл болохыг хүлээн зөвшөөрч байна.
Applicant’s Signature Гарын үсэг | Хулан |
Date (Он сар өдөр) | 2010/08/27 |